5 Ways to Naturally Reduce Anxiety

Aromatherapy bottle

Anxiety in moderation is a normal part of living in the modern day world. People are busy, juggling many responsibilities, and more interactive than ever before. 

When stress and anxiety start to become consistent and symptoms become unmanageable, it may be time to explore your options for coping. Sometimes lifestyle adjustments are all that’s needed to reduce your anxiety. 

1. Re-evaluate Your Diet

There is a strong connection between your brain and your gut health. About ninety-five percent of your total serotonin receptors are located in your gut. This explains why you might feel butterflies in your stomach when you’re nervous or anxious. 

Many people have a coping mechanism of stress eating whenever anxiety flares up. To make matters worse, the food that is often consumed is either high in sugar or overly processed. To help keep your anxiety at bay, shifting focus to your diet can be a great starting point.

Foods high in vitamins and minerals have been effective at reducing anxiety. Leafy greens, nuts, legumes, spinach, and dark chocolate are all magnesium-rich foods and can help ward off anxiety. Foods high in zinc, like oysters, red meat, and egg yolks and foods high in omega-3, like Alaskan salmon also can have a positive impact. 

Anxiety can result from lower levels of antioxidants, so incorporate berries, apples, broccoli, and meals with ginger or turmeric. You have different options to explore.

2. Change Up Your Drink of Choice

A cup of coffee is a great way to give your groggy morning a boost. For all the wonders that cup of caffeine brings, it can also contribute to your anxiety. 

Caffeine intake can cause you to feel jittery, shaky, and cause an elevated heart rate. Cutting back your caffeine levels may help reduce your anxiety. If it’s the warm drink in the morning that gets you moving, try replacing that with a hot tea. Just be mindful of the kind of tea since there are caffeinated teas which will cause the same problems. 

Additionally, teas like chamomile and lavender are both more soothing and can help calm your nerves. Chamomile tea can increase your antioxidants, which can also help lower anxiety. 

3. Stay Active

Exercise has added benefits outside of maintaining good physical health. Increasing your heart rate has its own benefits for your mental health. It increases space for your anti-anxiety neurotransmitters to do their work. 

Research shows that a physically active lifestyle places you at a sixty percent less chance of developing an anxiety disorder. What type of activity or exercise you do is entirely up to you. If you can’t fit in gym time or a full workout each day, go for a walk or do a quick yoga routine. Every little bit helps.

4. Focus on Restful Sleep

Getting the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night may seem like a pipe dream. Surveys have shown that a third of adults get less than six hours nightly. Making sleep a priority is a main component of good mental health, but more importantly, get restful sleep. 

If you struggle with this, improving your sleep hygiene can help. Sleep at night only when you’re tired. Forcing sleep can increase anxiety. Keep your bed a restful sleep only place by avoiding reading, watching tv, or scrolling on your phone while in bed. Make your space comfortable and try to keep it dark and cool to promote optimal sleep.

5. Incorporate Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is one holistic option that has been proven to help reduce anxiety. By incorporating natural plant elements and essential oils, you can help balance your mind and body, bringing a sense of calm. 

Aromatherapy has been used for relaxation, improved sleep, mood boosting qualities, and reducing blood pressure. There are many ways to incorporate it including using a diffuser, lotion, or adding it to a warm bath. 

If you’re struggling to manage your anxiety therapy, contact us today to learn more.


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